Celebrate National Pet Fire Safety Day by protecting your pet!

July 15th is National Pet Fire Safety Day! Take a moment today to be sure you are doing everything you can to protect your pet if there is a house fire. Learn the steps you can take to keep your pets safe. Plus, the first 50 people to sign up for the Natural Pet newsletter will receive a FREE PET ALERT WINDOW STICKER.

How to protect your pet from a house fire

A house fire is something we never want to think about. Yet over 350,000 houses catch fire each year in the United States. Each family should create a plan and be prepared just in case of a house fire. In addition, don’t forget your pets! Half a million pets are affected by home fires each year. That is why “National Pet Fire Safety Day” was launched in 2023 by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and ADT.

Here are the best ways to protect your pet, with recommendations from the American Red Cross and AKC:

PLANNING: Have an emergency plan BEFORE a fire happens!

Include pets in your family emergency plan.

  1. Make a disaster supply kit for your pets.
  2. Arrange for a safe place for our pets to stay if you need to leave your home.
  3. Include pets when you practice our escape plan – take your pets with you.
  4. Make sure your pet will come to you when called.
  5. Attach a pet alert sticker to your window at the front of the house. Get yours FREE by signing up for the Natural Pet newsletter! Write down the number of pets in your home and keep this information updated.
    Blue Toby pet rescue sticker


PREVENTION: Keep your pets from accidentally starting a fire.

Dogs can jump up on the stove and turn on a burner. Cats can knock over burning candles.

  1. Don’t leave a pet near an open flame, like stove, candles, or fireplace.
  2. Remove knobs from the stove when you leave the house. That way, pets won’t be able to accidentally turn on the burners.
  3. Buy flameless candles that have a bulb rather than a flame.
  4. Keep young pets confined away from hazards when you are away from home.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE: In case of a fire in your home.

  1. If you evacuate your home, take our pets with you. But never endanger yourself or your family to rescue a pet!
  2. If you are away from home, help firefighters find your pets by keeping them near entrances.
  3. Keep collars on pets and leashes ready should you need to leave suddenly, or a firefighter needs to rescue your pet.


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