How often should you wash your pet's bed?

I couldn't pass up a quiz asking how often you should clean common items in your house. I was not doing very well guessing the answers (who knew you had to clean out your dishwasher?). Then I got to the question "How often should you wash your pet's bed?" Finally, something I had thought about and researched! 

According to Patric Richardson, host of Discovery Plus’s “The Laundry Guy”, the answer to how often you should wash your pet's bed is once a month (if your pet is clean and bathed) and more often if he or she is outdoors often. I would add that beds used by pets that shed a lot require more frequent cleaning.

Most people do not wash their pet's bed enough

Hairy dog cat bed

If you haven't achieved this cleanliness standard, you are not alone. The reality is that few people wash their pet's bed this often. In surveys Blue Toby completed, 70% of participants washed their pet's bed only a few times a year or less. And half of pet parents answered "not nearly enough" when asked  how often they washed their pet's bed.

The reason that most people don't wash thier pet's bed often is that it a difficult task. First you pry the cover off the pet bed (while noticing how smelly the foam is inside). You throw the cover in the washer and dryer. But then it gets really challenging! Most dog and cat beds are made with inexpensive fabrics that shrink and lose their "fluff" with normal washing. After one or two washes, it is a wrestling match to get the cover back on the bed because it has shrunk so much. At this point most people give up and just try to brush the hairs off once in a while. 

Many pet parents keep a pet bed for a few months and then throw it out because it smells and is too hard to keep clean. They buy another cheaply-made pet bed and start the process over. The problem is that all of those pet beds fill up the landfill, cost way too much money over time, and do not provide the comfort that your pet deserves.

Blue Toby Sustainable Pet Bed System solves the problem 

We have the solution! At Blue Toby, we are passionate about the health and welfare of your pets. That includes ensuring that pet parents are able to easily provide the best pet care for a lifetime of happy days together.

Blue Toby Sustainable Pet Bed System

That's why we created the Blue Toby Sustainable Pet Bed System. It solves the age-old problem of smelly, unwashable pet beds! The outer reversible cover is actually a second cover that is easy to slip off and wash. It is waterproof, reversible, and made of recycled fabric. And we even created four designer fabrics that you can choose to go with your decor. 

Join others who have found an easy-to-clean, better bed for their dog, cat or other furry friend. Find out all the details on the amazing Blue Toby Sustainable Pet Bed System.

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